How to upgrade EeePad TF101

The firmware download site is here:

Our TF101 is using honeycomb 3.01, and the build date is about 2001.4.18.

So we plan to update it to This is honeycomb 3.2, and build date is 2011.8.26.

I didn’t find how to upgrade it without using OTA. So this is how to I found:

  1. Extract, Under ASUS/Update there is
  2. Copy into the root folder of TF card. And rename it to
  3. Power down your TF101
  4. hold the volume down and power buttons together till you see there is some small text appears on upper left of screen. Then push the volume up, you need to do this in 5 seconds, otherwise it will continue boot up. Then you should see some progress bars showing it’s upgrading, don’t turn it off before it’s finished.

Yes, that’s it. So the magical step is rename the update firmware package to, so it will flash the update to main rom.

upgrading the TF101

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