Imperial Stout aged in Bourbon Barrels, 14.6% ABV, 2017 Edition.
A dark and delicious display of rich malt toasty oak flavors and vanilla-like notes from extended aging in bourbon barrels.
Brewer’s note on beer label: Our infamous Black Tuesday stout is named in honor of the great stock market crash of 1929. So Happens It’s Tuesday is simply dark and delicious, but in a more affable format, reminding us that there is always a bit of good to be found within the bad. Things happen, life goes on. This beer can be enjoyed in all of those moments and seasons.

The beer is very dark, looks black. Foam is beige color, thin but fine. It smells dark malty, molasses, dark brown sugar, vanilla and bourbon barrels noses. It’s a good imperial stout nose, dark desert like, toasty woods and vanilla noses like a real bourbon whiskey. The beer is sweet, dark and bold sweet, there’s a bit of bitterness at the back but won’t big enough to fully balance the sweetness. The beer is thick, but not very thick, it shows a milky, oat-y texture and viscosity. The alcohol burns are obvious in this beer, shows a strong boozy flavor in the darkness. The beer is full bodied. Again, the texture is velvety and creamy, it’s bold sweet with light bitter background. It’s quite a boozy dark ale, shows a very strong malty flavor which is stronger than a normal imperial stout. I always found The Bruery’s strong ales have this tendency to be more malty flavor. There’s toasty barrels, whiskey, subtle toast coconut, dark chocolate, plum juice, dried plum, orange liquor, vanilla aromas. Although I think I can say it’s still showing some shape of Tiramisu which is chocolate, vanilla and boozy, then this is the booze version of that and stronger enough you don’t remember that’s like Tiramisu anymore. It’s a very warm stout, I mean the alcohol warms your mouth and throat up. The aftertaste shows some pine wood, toasted tobacco leaves aromas, showing hints of American/English hops.

In recent years I have less The Bruery than before. I don’t mean I don’t like them anymore, I love The Bruery. But you need to know their trait of BA strong ales, they are complex and delicious. But when you age them, they stay young, I mean they don’t change that much over time. This 2017 bottle is 7 years old, but I feel it’s as strong and sharp as I bought it. That is a great trait because of consistency. But it also making aging that that fun, because I don’t find that much of variations over time. Maybe those beer are not bottle conditioned? But from the level of carbonation I feel they are bottle conditioned.

以下是 DeepL 的翻译,非常感谢免费的服务!
近年来,我喝布鲁里啤酒的次数比以前少了。我并不是说我不喜欢他们了,我爱 The Bruery。但你需要了解他们的 BA 烈性啤酒的特点,它们复杂而美味。但是,当你把它们陈酿时,它们会保持年轻,我的意思是,它们不会随着时间的推移而发生太大的变化。2017 年的这瓶酒已经有 7 年的历史了,但我觉得它和我买来时一样浓烈、尖锐。这是一个很好的特性,因为它具有一致性。但这也让陈酿变得很有趣,因为我并没有发现随着时间的推移会有那么大的变化。也许这些啤酒没有经过瓶中调制?但从碳酸化程度来看,我觉得它们是经过瓶调的。