

首先要明确 饮酒品酒 的区别。品酒应该是饮酒的一个子集,因为不喝下去完全闻味不是靠谱的品酒方式。品酒最大的区别在于为什么 (Why) 和如何做 (How) 不同,品酒的目的是分辨、欣赏、交流。

品酒是对模式识别的锻炼。模式识别是心智模式中的R模式,也就是一种基于图像的思维,模式识别是一种直觉。品酒必须要用语言记录,可以是和朋友在一起交流感受,或者写下来分享给更多的人。为什么品酒必须要交流呢?因为模式识别是R模式,但是人和人交流要使用语言逻辑,但是这种逻辑使用的是心智模式中的L模式。但是根据心智模型的理论L模式和R模式往往不能同步工作,如果一个人两个模式之间交流迅速和频繁,那么这个人表现出来就是 聪明。R模式和L模式交互有一种形象的表示法,我们管它叫做“比喻”。使用比喻能力强的人,我们一般说是文学能力强,但是其实更广义的说使用比喻能力强的人 聪明 。我们有一个更时髦的词叫“隐喻”,这是在各种专业能力中非常重要的一种基于直觉的技能,我们常说一个领域的大师具有的就是过人的直觉。或者说过人的 模式识别 和使用 隐喻 的能力。所以那本书说,幽默其实是一种使用 隐喻 的特殊能力,不管是使用幽默还是感受幽默都需要这种 隐喻 的能力。

如果大家读过酒评就知道为什么我说 模式识别隐喻 了。这里举个例子:



这里用到了很多的隐喻。经常交流的啤酒爱好者可以看到大家使用的不同隐喻,并把他们使用到自己的语言中。这个过程还培养了对味道细节发现的能力,因为经常品酒后对很多味道的轻微痕迹描述的能力会增强,所以就可以更好的发现原来不能描述的味道。这其实就印证了很多朋友学习中的一个感受,当你能够定义和命名一种现象以后,你在遇到问题的时候识别的能力增强了,最后解决问题的能力也增强了。在搞编程的朋友中,都知道 Martin Fowler,他就是以这种能力著称。

最后,我想强调我说的是 品酒 ,很多极端的品酒者品尝酒品后会吐掉,以防止对辨别能力的影响。我们需要强调这样的精神,不要陷入把饮酒作为简单的习惯的地步,那样很容易酗酒,结果是很严重的。要保持 Know How 的同时 Know Why,这样可以长期健康的品酒。

我目前品酒主要使用 Instagram,照下酒评和酒杯,可以观察酒体和泡沫。然后在评论里面写下对啤酒味道的品评笔记。我主要使用 #mahbeer 这个标签分享,这个标签下有很多非常棒的啤酒的分享。而查啤酒比较重要的工具是 Ratebeer ,上面有大部分你能喝到的啤酒的信息和众多酒友的评价。


  • 使用的是和Duvel类似的高级蛇麻草,非陈年款,味道比较鲜明,微苦
  • 有麦香味,水果味收敛,味甘甜,回味发甜
  • 香味不太明显,不酸,也不太苦,没有特别突出的单种口感
  • 泡沫丰富,细密,泡沫很白,大约有酒体的一半高
  • 酒色金黄,略微浑浊(雾)
  • 有肉蔻的香味留下,酒通过喉咙感觉酒精刺激明显,留下微微的薄荷的味道
  • 酒后口内没有酸和苦的回味,说明酒不是很甜酒花量也不是很大

能猜到这是啥啤酒不?(是Westmalle Blone,一种修道院啤酒 Trappist beer,不过属于没啥特点的一种)

The value of reading news

Recently I found I’m addicted on reading news, including gadget news, social headlines and hacker news. Today, I’m thinking why I read so much news? What’s the value of reading news?

The news include content and context, but there are more things underneath. When we read news, we got a story of what just happend, but this is not very valuable. The content and context is history journal, we just put some sentence and images into our memory. This is no difference with a comupter, and computer is good at recording things, it never changes or forgets. We are human, we have non-linear thinking machine, which give us some outputs after thinking. I think there are 3 main elements for human, thinking, feeling and memory, reading news just give us some outputs of memory and feeling, those things construct a timeline in our brain. And when we have spare time, the brain thinks in right mode, and it may give us idea at anytime. Acctually, the most value part is making a point of view, so we determine which part we should stand for this piece of news. This judgement can be irational, I means the reason and the result may has no direct connection, we just jump to a conclution. I think we can call it taste. And I remember this quote “The only thing you can trust is your taste”. This irational process of making judgement is our taste.

We should split news into two categories. One is a report of a story, it tells us what just happend, like a statement, we just recieve it and store. Another is a comment of something, so there will be some personal judgement or ideas come from reviewer. They already stand on a side of this story, and we will recieve this comments and record the direct feeling of there comment. For example, the techmeme always tell us the breaking headline of different news source, but most of which is plain story. The other example is hacker news, it contains lots of blog post about someone’s opinion, those report is more like sharing taste of those things. I prefer the deep analysis of news, like hacker news’ style. They put non-linear reason and result together, help us organizing out thoughts in reviewer’s points of view. This thinking practice helps us make our own taste.

If we only store news, it’s a huge waste. I we just day dreaming, it’s useless too. Reading some news, and corresponding analysis is good for us. This may be the real value of reading news.

Don’t waste too much time on reading news, most of them are fast food. You should do long reads too, long articles are more nutritious. Magazines are way between long reads and online fragment reading, whe should balance the ratio of them. Keep processing langurages and images in our memory is important, it’s your privilege, it helps you find your real taste.